Pricing Power in SMB Software

“The single most important decision in evaluating a business is pricing power.”  So sayeth, the greatest investor of all time, Warren Buffett.  He added in his typical style: “If you’ve got the power to raise prices without losing business to a competitor, you’ve got...
UL Solutions Files for IPO

UL Solutions Files for IPO

Before I joined the world of B2B software, I spent eight years in the testing and certification business. (Of food products).  We built a great little business on the Southside of Chicago that eventually became part of a global leader in food testing and...
Top 3 Blog Posts of 2023

Top 3 Blog Posts of 2023

  It was not hard to identify my top 3 blog posts of 2023 (as measured by viewership), as I did not do much blogging this year.  With no IPOs, and lots of client work I could not write about, it was challenging to find a muse.  So you can thank me for sparing...

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