Build for Success.

Software Platform Consulting helps software companies and investment firms build successful enterprise SaaS platforms and networks.

About Software Platform Consulting

I help entrepreneurs, investors, and corporations build successful B2B SaaS platforms and networks. Based on real, practical experience managing platforms for over 20 years in a wide variety of industries, I can help you navigate your way to a dominant position in your industry.

What are B2B SaaS Platforms?

Learn how multi-sided software applications bring together buyers, sellers, and intermediaries to facilitate commerce and compliance across industries.
The Nine Value Propositions of B2B SaaS Platforms - 3rd Edition

The Nine Value Propositions of B2B SaaS Platforms – 3rd Edition

There are hundreds of vertical and horizontal B2B SaaS platforms. I’ve identified nine basic value propositions these platforms “mix and match” to define their offering. This 50-page e-book defines the basic value propositions, highlights the strategic issues associated with each one, and provides examples of successful enterprise SaaS companies employing each strategy. My most popular resource.

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Waystar IPO

Waystar, a healthcare software and payments company, filed to go public last October and will probably hit the market this week.

A Flurry of Action in Vertical B2B Software

There’s renewed action in vertical B2B SaaS. Avetta, Buyer’s Edge Platform, Model N, Ibotta, and UL Solutions all have announced transactions.

KKR to Acquire MDF Commerce

KKR is acquiring MDF Commerce in a take private transaction. It looks like a good deal for everyone, including shareholders.

Applico’s Top 50 B2B Marketplaces

Applico published its annual list of The Top 50 B2B Marketplaces. The top 10 includes two ways to get high: roofing contractors and cannabis.

My Network

Let's work together to optimize your B2B SaaS platform.

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